

Linkedriving L-SOLE-V2017 System Released

As the first professional solenoid test software, Linkedriving L-SOLE Software V2017 has been published.

In the L-SOLE software V2017, we has provide solenoid driver, control, and test data analysis functions. L-SOLE V2017 has extended the traditional solenoid test software in Euro or US. L-SOLE has provide high accuracy about solenoid drive, control and data analysis system.

L-SOLE V2017 Major functions:

1. Solenoid Driver software and hardware

2. Solenoid Controller software and hardware

3. Solenoid Tester software and hardware

4. Solenoid Data Analysis software and hardware

上海电激利科技有限公司专注于新能源智能汽车系统的研究。并围绕新能源智能汽车系统为客户提供高技术水准的电池管理、电机控制、电磁阀驱动相关的产品解决方案、测试设备及工业自动化装备。我们推出的LDT-AQUILA系列产品质量上乘,可靠性高,价格公道, 是您的最佳选择。

About Linkedriving
Linkedriving Technology Co., Ltd. is focusing on research of powertrain area. We provide our customer on Products Engineering Service, R&D test equipment, and Factory Automation Equipment.  Our LDT-AQUILA Series products has character as high-quality, high reliability, and reasonable price, is your best choice.